“From Hops to Rolls: A Bunny’s Adventures in a Custom Wheelchair”

Meet Bertha, a paralyzed rabbit who is now joyfully bouncing around thanks to a customized bunny wheelchair. Despite veterinarian recommendations to put her down after her hips gave out in May, Bertha’s devoted owner decided to build a unique wheelchair for her furry friend, enabling her to navigate her living space once more. Check out the heartening video below to witness Bertha’s newfound mobility and happiness.

Struggling: Bertha the bunny was left unable to move around her home after her hips collapsed in May

In May, poor Bertha the rabbit found herself struggling to move around comfortably in her home due to issues with her hips.

Melanie James (pictured) was determined to give her pet a second chance:  'The vet and myself can't believe how well the wheelchair is actually working so we've got everything crossed that it will go to plan.'

Melanie James was determined to give her beloved pet a second chance: “The vet and I are amazed at how the wheelchair has been such a game-changer for Bertha, so we’re staying hopeful that things continue to progress smoothly.” Bertha, whom Melanie adopted as a young bunny four years ago, said, “Despite the vet’s suggestion to consider euthanasia, I knew Bertha still had plenty of life left in her. I had seen dogs using wheelchairs and thought, ‘If it works for them, why not for a rabbit?’ It took Bertha a little while to adjust to the wheelchair, but it has truly given her a new level of independence.” Bertha, always a spirited bunny, took to her wheels with ease. She now spends hours rolling around Ani-Mel charity in Bank Mill, Cumbria, before taking a well-deserved break. With the specially designed wheelchair securing to her back end, Bertha can roam freely and fully enjoy her environment.

Defiant: Ignoring vets' advice to put her down, her devoted owner created a specially-designed wheelchair to give her a new lease of life

When the veterinarians suggested putting her down, a devoted pet parent made the decision to give her beloved companion a new lease on life with a custom-made wheelchair.

Melanie James, who adopted Bertha as a baby four years ago, said: 'When the vet said the nicest thing to do would be to put her down, she still had so much life'

Melanie James, who opened her heart to Bertha four years ago when she was just a baby, explained: “Despite the vet recommending the most humane choice would be to put her down, Bertha still had that twinkle of life in her eyes.”

The specially-adapted wheelchair hooks on to Bertha's back end and means she can finally roam freely around her home at the Ani-Mel charity in Bank Mill, Cumbria

Bertha now has a custom wheelchair attached to her, allowing her to freely roam around Ani-Mel charity in Bank Mill, Cumbria. Melanie revealed that it is a specially modified puppy wheelchair tailored to Bertha’s needs, with the hope that she will eventually regain mobility on her own. Bertha’s injuries were a result of an untreated fracture in her back leg, which healed improperly, leading to hip dysplasia and infections. Despite the vet’s suggestion of euthanasia, Melanie chose to provide daily care, baths, physiotherapy, and antibiotics in order to give Bertha a fighting chance at recovery. While some critics have voiced their opinions, the majority have commended Melanie’s dedication and supported her decision to help Bertha adapt and heal. Melanie firmly believes in giving every living being a chance at life and is inspired by Bertha’s strength and resilience as she continues to make progress in her wheelchair.

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